Thursday, November 19, 2009

That was quick.

Okay, so not that many (or any!) of you will actually care, but I don't think I'm going to be able to keep doing blogging. I keep forgetting about it, and I never know what to write! I fail, I know. I'm real sorry. I might post once in awhile, but I wouldn't hold your breath. You could die!

I'm real sorry blog world.

<3 Spencer.


naturgesetz said...

The thing to understand is that bloggers are under no obligation to post on any schedule. So post what you want when you want. I'll be happy to know how you're doing. And maybe even toss in some unwanted grandfatherly advice on occasion.

BitBoy said...

Totally understand ya spencer, Im in a similar situation but yeah its not an obligation and theres no pressure, just post when you can or if you've got something you want to share; which is what I try to do at least :)

Anonymous said...

Post when you feel like and nobody is forcing you to post
Hope to hear from you again,

Ryan said...

hey I have a question for you, but it is a secret. Email me at

Lots of love,

cvn70 said...


hey i miss ya


CrikaRika said...

Come back and tell us how the boy meet up thingy went! It is hard to keep up a blog, writers block and just lack of interest, stay strong though.

Real interested to see what's up with ya in the future.
From New Zealand